
Beautiful Japan

” Beautiful Japan”. Japan is a rare country that shows various expressions beautifully in each seasons. Japan is a country surrounded by the sea and has rich forests and mountains. There are superb countryside, undeveloped woodland, and historic appearance which are created by human life. People have been developing feeling of wanting to look after other people in traditional houses which has beautiful light and shadow and in comforting rural scenes. People also develop craftmanship and create the crops in accord with the climate. We would like to promote good old days tradition which people eat blessings of nature,talk with each other, and respect a harmony to overseas.

Bringing Japanese culture overseas

Traditional Japanese house is precious asset for conveying not only history of physical structure, but also Japanese tradition and local cultures. We promote regional interaction activities and promote Japanese culture to overseas through the precious property regeneration business.

The wisdom of masters

Japanese mountains and seminatural areas still have traditional houses which bring us today local history and culture. Undulated log beam and central pillar are including lots of rich stately central pillar and wood which are difficult to obtain. You can find highly skill at the time of construction. These days, only reducing construction time and cost reduction have been claimed. On the other hand, traditional houses have unique charms because they are built with enough time, materials examined well, and wisdom of masters. You can find them by knowing lots ideas that suit the climate of each region or sumptuous lattice-door and transom. Protecting and conveying valuable properties are mission of us today.


wisdom of masters imageRepresentative director: Katsutoshi Shibuya He was born in Atsugi city, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1968. He assumed the position of Representative Director on August, 2011. His hobbies are listening to music, playing instruments, and touring by bike.


wisdom of masters imageRepresentative director: Katsutoshi Shibuya He was born in Atsugi city, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1968. He assumed the position of Representative Director on August, 2011. His hobbies are listening to music, playing instruments, and touring by bike.